Interested in joining the Boise Figure Skating Club?
Please review our membership benefits, requirements, and options below before submitting your application. Feel free to contact one of our Board Members with any questions or concerns.
All BFSC Memberships must be renewed annually by July 1st. BFSC Memberships are not prorated.
Membership Benefits
Members of BFSC are full-fledged members of U.S. Figure Skating

Members of U.S. Figure Skating have the ability to do the following:
Test at U.S. Figure Skating-sponsored test sessions
Compete at U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned events
Participate in U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events
Represent your club at regional, sectional and national events
Participate in all sanctioned events events
Members of U.S. Figure Skating also receive the following benefits:
Certificates of accomplishment for passing proficiency tests and placing at U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events (athletes)
Subscription to SKATING magazine
Individually numbered membership card
Coverage under U.S. Figure Skating's sports accident insurance policy
Special offers and discounts from U.S. Figure Skating corporate partners
Of course, being a member of U.S. Figure Skating also means you have the opportunity to become a member of the U.S. World or Olympic Figure Skating Team!
Members of BFSC have the following additional benefits

Eligibility to participate in U.S. Figure Skating-sponsored test sessions hosted by BFSC
Eligibility to compete in the annual U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned Boise Ice Classic
Eligibility to perform in the annual U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned Ice Show hosted by BFSC
Eligibility to perform in BFSC spotlight exhibitions
Invitation to attend club socials, club ice, and fundraising events
Badge Awards for passing proficiency tests as a BFSC member at any test session
Free embroidery of BFSC logo and skater's name with purchase of a club jacket from McU's Sports (Limit one per year)
Regular updates of upcoming competitions, performances, and events within BFSC as well as neighboring organizations
Potential for scholarship to cover entry fees of a BFSC skater who enters a qualifying competition (To be awarded/denied after review by BFSC Board)
Membership Requirements
U.S. Figure Skating Requirements

Reside within the Northwest Pacific Region area (Idaho, Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming)
Skate 75% of the time at the Boise Figure Skating Club home rink (Idaho IceWorld)
Boise Figure Skating Club Requirements

Complete the Membership Application (Must sign all included forms to be valid) ​
Full Member Families are responsible for volunteering ten hours in a fiscal year or they can pay a $250 opt-out fee for the first skater and then 5 hours or $100 for each additional skater.
Coaches are responsible for volunteering five hours in a fiscal year.